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Stormwater Bond Projects - Project Website
this is the project website for the Raytown Stormwater Bond Projects. We are currently completing the Final Designs for the selected project areas. To see the selected project areas, please click on the Selected Projects tab above. As the design develops, this site will be updated regularly, so please check back.
Thank you to everyone who joined us for the Open Houses held in 2024 to learn about the projects and to help set priorities.
We have evaluated the information gathered and made our selection of the stormwater improvement areas. Please click on the Selected Projects tab above to see this information.
Please note that this is an ongoing project, so report any flooding you have observed on the "Report Flooding Form." The more information we have, the better we can help address issues.
To see the flood levels in your area, visit the interactive "Flooding Map"
Raytown's Stormwater System
40+ years old
$7.2 M
Stormwater Bond Funding to be used to build, repair, modernize, and improve drains, pipes, and other necessary parts of Raytown's stormwater system.
Project Timeline
Begin Final Design
Impacted Neighborhood Meetings​
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